I couldn't stand it anymore


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Jan 10, 2014
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Hanson MA
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been working too many hours lately so i opened my office window to take a couple quick shots yesterday. Nothing unique but I was going to scream if I didn't take a picture of something soon :confused:

SHot these at f/7.1, I should have gone to at least f/10 to get a little more dof.

Thanks for looking
cute. And I hear ya on the working and no time. Thanks for posting.

what is dof? depth of field? you lost me there.
Correct, I was shooting with a D7100 and 80-400 from about 15 feet on that first one @ f/7.1. It was an open the window hang the lens out shoot and close the window before all the heat got out. I was lucky to have enough dof to get his beak lol

Yesterday ended at 4 AM today and I was back at it at 8 AM and am still going again. But I swear I will be in bed before tomorrow comes :confused:

Here is a link to a really good site for DOF

Online Depth of Field Calculator

Subject distance 15 ft

Depth of field
Near limit 14.9 ft
Far limit 15.1 ft
Total 0.11 ft
In front of subject 0.06 ft (50%)
Behind subject 0.06 ft (50%)
Hyperfocal distance 3683.9 ft
Circle of confusion 0.02 mm

yep. I been pretty much in work mode lately. but I got a vacation coming and im ecstatic.
Far as dof.
I still get screwed up with this. focusing. I want the entire picture in focus. twenty feet out. I take it. only my four feet away subject is in focus it goes down hill from there. i try another photo. this time wanting only my four or feet feet away subject to be in focus, and it is all in focus... i haven't quite mastered that or wrapped my head around that yet.
I need one of those vacation things too, maybe next month.

Go to the link I included, put in your camera and then think about something you would like to shoot and how far away from it you will be when you shoot it. Then look at what changing the f stop and focal length does to the total dof. Even look at my example, see what would have changed if I had shot that same photo at f/10. It would have added enough dof to get the body of the bird in focus too. I struggled with it too so I spent hours at that site and it really helped.

Forgot to mention, my 80-400 is a little front focused and i haven't had the time to fine tune it yet. Notice how the front of the limb is nice and sharp. But where the limb bends away or to the camera the dof of field is clearly visible.
Is this the "new" 80-400 AF-S? If so, what are your thoughts about it? I ask because there is a HEFTY rebate on it now.
It is the new one and I really like it. One small complaint, the base of the lens is fat. I have a hard time getting my fingers around the grip of a D7100 with it on. Not a problem with a D800.

I'm not a pro but I like it much more than the Sigma 150-500 I had before.

This was with the 80-400

I like this shot better

that was with the 7100?
Even works as a portrait lens ;)

This was with the D7100

One more from the other day. This one was a little further away so I got better dof.

And this guy who didn't want to come out into the sun for me

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Looks good! That's a good looking dog you have there. And those are some killer work hours. What do you do that requires that kind of crazy schedule if you don't mind me asking?

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