I did have a Question then I realized it was stupid.


TPF Noob!
Nov 29, 2023
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Greetings Fellow Travelers! First post here. I was having a couple problems with comparing two copies of the same model lens. Sadly, my brian was the problem. Thank goodness for "edit" buttons as perhaps only a few of you witnessed my rapid decline in intellect...aka, my original post.
Last edited:
Greetings Fellow Travelers! First post here. I was having a couple problems with comparing two copies of the same model lens. Sadly, my brian was the problem. Thank goodness for "edit" buttons as perhaps only a few of you witnessed my rapid decline in intellect...aka, my original post.
Welcome to the forum!
Though they won't admit it, neurological challenges are rampant here.
No worries. No one died.
Welcome. Most of us inmates are friendly.
Though they won't admit it, neurological challenges are rampant here.
No worries. No one died.
Welcome. Most of us inmates are friendly.
Thank you cgw for the insight! Happy to hear the inmates are, for the most part, friendly. Regarding neurological challenges, sounds like I am in good company!

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