I don't usually get this lucky...but when i do..... i do...

Yes, you did! (get lucky) And are getting good at getting some nice photos, especially that first one. What a bunch of show offs!! lol

I've never done a bird feeder but the birds seem to find plenty around here. I have a lot of cardinals who seem to use the bushes as their condos. As soon as it's getting dark one or two of them start chirping, every evening. Sometimes one is perched on the porch railing but usually I just hear them. I like having them around, seeing that bright red flit across the driveway (to and from the adjoining bird condos in the big bush!).
Thank you.. Cardinals are my favorites... I like practicing on them too because their eyes are black and the feather around eyes black.. so getting a good eye shot is tricky..and that goes for the blue jays too... Their beauty is so awesome against a sunny snow photo.. mine are just starting to come around.. right now they are keeping a distance and I see them in the bushes... they are very wary of new things.. so I think they are very smart birds
Great shots! You had a busy day at the feeders. My favorite is the last one.
Great shots! You had a busy day at the feeders. My favorite is the last one.
Thank you Cheryl..hope they are all back tomorrow
Very nice set. Luck is creating opportunity and being prepared when it arrives. Good work.
Very nice set. Luck is creating opportunity and being prepared when it arrives. Good work.
your so right Pete.. the luck is after the preparation.. and planning.. thank you
Gotta love them feeder shots, nicely done!
Particularly enjoyed the woodpecker. Nice set!

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