I Have A Wall To Paint


TPF Noob!
May 23, 2009
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Vancouver, BC
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Well, I will have a wall to paint. I'm moving into a nice, relatively spacious condo in a couple months, and as if to prove just how much I've fallen into photography and have totally geeked-out on it, I want to turn it into a studio setup. It's a bachelor-style suite, so again, lots of room to work with.

There's a fireplace near the (very large, south-facing so lots of light all day, year-round) window, and for that I'm thinking a deep red wall will give me a nice warm backdrop for portraits by it.

But, I have another wall in the middle, kind-of away from the windows, and for that I'm a little miffed. I'm thinking that I'd like to cut-out most of the daylight by installing a wall if I can, giving me maximum control of the lighting. Good idea or bad idea? (Maybe I should just get black and white pieces of fabric that I can drape down from the ceiling to block out light?)

The other thing, and the main question, what colour do I paint that middle wall? I intend to gel my flashes to create different colours on the wall for backgrounds; would I get more out of an 18% grey wall or pure white? (And would I even be able to get that pure-white blown-out background look with an 18% grey wall?)
Are you renting or buying. Painting stinks and I try and do it as little as possible. I guess the red wall may add to the room. Adding and painting walls grey or black is going to be a problem when you have to move out. I have my studio out of my garage. I covered the ceiling with old pieces of white seamless. Just to be on the safe side. I think of it like this. White is good with natural light and directional light from strobes. Black is better if you just spew light through 3 soffboxes Strobist style.

Love & Bass
I might just go with pure white in that case. It'll probably give me cleaner colour from my gels anyway.

I'm buying. Plan to have this place for quite a few years, so it's not like I'll have to repaint it soon.

Would you suggest semi-gloss, high-gloss, or satin? I imagine the satin would diffuse light a lot better.
Matte or something that can cover quickly and easily. As you get into the prices; gloss gets spendy. If you are going to live in the area that is one thing. If you are just trying to cover it go cheap.
Ah, this will be a space I'm living in. I'm just turning it into a studio when I'm not sleeping. Murphy bed and everything. I think I can make it work. My real concern with gloss is if it bounces too much light, or worse ends-up with specular highlights everywhere...I think I'm answering my own question here and should go satin white.
You don't mention the ceiling height.

White walls will make it harder (scatter, uncontrolled reflections) to have good control of the light.
Black would be optimal but it has a bad effect on peoples mood after a little while.
I have found flat medium gray on the walls works best for me, with a semi-gloss bright white ceiling. I use seamless and the occassional backdrop.

It makes for an interesting bachelor-style suite to have light stands, backdrops, softboxes, umbrellas, props and 9 foot rolls of seamless about when the girls stop by to visit. You should have at least 1 beauty dish around just for the name. Well, all that stuff worked good with the girls 30 years ago. :confused:

However, living in a place with medium gray walls would probably warp my mind in about 2 months. :lol:

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