I need a TLR


TPF Noob!
Aug 26, 2011
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Well, I don't need one, but I want one. I have a little Christmas money to spend, to the tune of 100-150. 35mm or medium format is acceptable. What should I be looking for in that price range?
A Yashica Mat 124-G would be probably the best shooter you could get for that kind of money. A Yashica 635 would be the next step down. A used Seagull might also be found in that price range. Many of the other lower-end TLR's are worn out, molded out, gummed up,etc.
The Yashica-Mat series (as Derrel mentioned, the 124-G ... though it is the most sought after model) with the Yashinon lens.
I use a Seagull with amazing results ! keep in mind that it's a little "tricky" to shoot with a TLR just matter of getting used to it !
+1 for the Yashicas. Also the Mamiya 330 could do well, since you can switch various focal length lenses on it (and an excellent macro capability).
If you can find a C330 in your price range, these things are AWESOME and were the camera I was drooling over when I shot with a Yashicamat. But I think they still go for about $300, don't they?

They went for over $600 back then! Crazy how much the market has changed.
The Mamiya C's are nice camera's ... but they were heavy for a TLR.
I had a C330 for a while, and then sold it to get a Bronica SQ-A (which are now cheap) ... and now you can easily get 645's for less than a Rollei.
Yashicas are good and in your price range, with some limitations. I sold mine for the C330 I have now, and it was a significant improvement IMO (in terms of usability, not image quality at f8) but I think you would be very lucky to find one in your price range. The Yashica is a good way to go.

Well, I don't need one, but I want one. I have a little Christmas money to spend, to the tune of 100-150. 35mm or medium format is acceptable. What should I be looking for in that price range?
How about a very nice Yashica-A TLR with OEM Leather case for $110 shipped?
I was going to suggest the Minolta Autocord but have noticed these cameras are going for high prices now. I bought a couple on eBay a few years ago for around $100 each but not anymore. Quality-wise the Rokkor lens beats the Yashinon lens but not by much...
My only tlr experence is with the Ricoh Diacord but it does a excellent job. Prices on the Ricoh seem to be down know. Good luck with your search.

Well, I bought a vintage, mint-condition Mamiya C3 Professional for $85, via eBay. It's heavy, but it was built to last, and it's part of my working kit.
I wish I could find killed deals like these. Ive been looking on eBay, and I can't find anything in my price range.
I scored this Mamiya C330 in perfect working condition on Ebay for $79.95:


Keep watching. They're out there. Set up a search to feed you a daily email from Ebay on new listings for whatever you're looking for, and one in your price range/condition will pop up.

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