I Painted Mishele's Thing


Fuzzy, wuzzy Nanuq
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Dec 9, 2006
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One of Mishele's wonderful floral abstracts was the inspiration.

Acrylic (in watercolor style), 9" x 12"

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I hope you had a thin, filmy layer of protection present while you were, uh... painting...
Epic title!!
It's a lovely rendering. :586:
Thank you, sunshine.
Is that what the kids are calling it these days :586:
Yeah, had to savour the title a bit and run through the possible combinations, before opening the thread. Very nice rendering in watercolours. Like how you got the bleed into the backwash.
Thank you. I used acrylic washes except for a small area of white. I also sprayed water onto the paint and paper to keep it thin. This is three or four "layers."
I hope Mish's flower isn't itchy now.
They make cream for that.
BTW- that was a very nice job. I wish I could paint/draw.

I can paint and draw. I just wish my drawings and painting could end up as nice as this.
I use very soft paint brushes, don't I, Mish? :winksexy:

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