I sold my photographic gear today, and bought an Elephant.


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hmm, as Tharmsen puts it:

"Everyone else is doing it... the goofy thread titles that is."

I wonder if we ought to put a warning on posters not to do that just to gain attention.

Or ... are we cool with this ?
Goofy is as goofy does.

However, I really like your title on this thread :thumbup:
I agree. Its getting annoying and it all started with (to many of us) one of the most annoying posters on this forum. He does it because he is 14 and thinks having a high post count is cool when you arent helping anyone.
so tell me how is the elephant going?

in all honesty this just seems to have started in the last few days with a few very silly titles. For the most part if you don't draw any attention to it it will go away in time. Interesting titles, or titles to attract the attention of people are going to be part and parcel of the art world and part of the site - no matter what you try. This is especially true on a big site such as TPF where there are many more people in the community.

Just let it be I say.

As for the 14 year old - if you have a problem with a member its better to use the report function or PM a mod about it rather than to air your dirty laundary in the open - all that does is start off a fight - then we have locked threads, hurt egos, missing members and more penguins (seriously each time there is a fight the density of penguins increases!)
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I've been making silly thread titles since the first week I was here :lol: :greenpbl: :lmao: :biggrin:
Long may it live!!!

I mean its about the only way to get replies on this forum these days :er:
As for the 14 year old - if you have a problem with a member its better to use the report function or PM a mod about it rather than to air your dirty laundary in the open - all that does is start off a fight - then we have locked threads, hurt egos, missing members and more penguins (seriously each time there is a fight the density of penguins increases!)
Agreed (well, no comment about the penguins). ;) Use the tools here to help you get around an identified member that annoys you - this includes the Ignore List. Very useful. Check in your User Profile to add members to it, and then you don't see their posts at all. Problem solved!
I'm too lazy :D
Haha and sorry about that post b/c it was 1 at night and I came back from work not ion a normal state lol.
I'm too lazy :D
Then you must not be looking for a solution, you're just complaining. ;) That's okay, but this is the forum where solutions are offered when someone complains.
The Elephant is doing fine ... though I need to get a bigger shovel.

lostprophet, I tend to ignore threads with silly titles ... I just assume the poster is not serious enough to require my help or comments.
I'm all for silly and misleading thread titles, They peak my curiousity, but I do feel that it should in some way be related to the thread contents.

For example





But when it's just to call out a user for friendly back and fourth badgering then it's kinda pointless and a bit of a waste of time.
Slow roasted, preferrably on a spit with a low flame, 1/4 turn every half hour for up to eight hours, and for gawds sake..... baste that bastard ( a few sprigs of Rosemary wouldn't hurt). After that it's easy..... one mouthful at a time.

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