I think I can Flyyyyyyy


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May 16, 2007
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I think I can fly awayyyyyyy

They grow so fast! Only a few short month ago he was a egg.


Aww and mon and dad resting in the nest is it - or his brothers and sisters?

Bet your counting the days till they fly - be great to get a chance at their first flight!
Aww and mon and dad resting in the nest is it - or his brothers and sisters?

Bet your counting the days till they fly - be great to get a chance at their first flight!

They are all chicks, flight is any time now. Momma has been sitting neer by coax calling.
Cripes! I'm having a serious case of lens envy...*suppresses urge to find DeadEye to..."borrow" the lens*

Brilliant shots, sir. How the HECK did you get the one of the chick though? Climb a tree and shoot with an 800mm? o_O
Cripes! I'm having a serious case of lens envy...*suppresses urge to find DeadEye to..."borrow" the lens*

Brilliant shots, sir. How the HECK did you get the one of the chick though? Climb a tree and shoot with an 800mm? o_O

Thanks Everyone.

Mannnn don't I wish for big fast glass toooooo. I fight it out with what I have. The close up was with a 28 - 105 zoom consumer grade lens, and the 3 together was with the 70-200L. I am Prime less.

It took years to get the pair to accept my presance at their nest sight .............. ( That I built for this sole purpose ).

Cheers Dead Eye.

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