I want this turned into a hippie van. For festival purposes

So the links you referenced apply to the USA. The OP is in Holland. I suspect the rules there are different, though by how much I have no idea.
No, KMH, you're absolutely wrong here. A photograph of a bus painted by another person and re-painted onto another bus categorically DOES NOT violate the photographer's rights. It most certainly would infringe on the rights of the original artist who painted the initial bus, and, despite that you seem to think that a photographer's copyright supersedes all, the photographer may very well be in violation as well depending on the transformative nature of the photograph (i.e. if it was used to document the bus object, or to mechanically copy the bus's artwork).

The only way you could violate the photographer's rights, provided that the photographer photographed the bus in a legal way, would be to actually paint the photograph of the bus onto the other bus in a representative manner (i.e. a direct copy of the photograph object itself). Otherwise you are always and only in violation of the original property owner's rights, naturally, this also goes for derivative work.
Nitrous is SO boring.

Gets rid of migraines though.

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