I want to know about this picture?


TPF Noob!
Jan 10, 2015
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Can others edit my Photos
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I am new here. Just joined.

This is one of the pictures I found online. Supposedly an Indian celebrity. I want to know if this photo is a selfie or a portrait picture taken by someone else.

I am beginner in Photography and I don't know how to take selfies.

So Kindly help. Thanks

link down below

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A couple of things:

1. Don't post photos that you don't have the rights to. I'm sure a mod will come along soon and delete the image, so it's best to change it to a link instead. You agreed to this when you signed up.

2. I don't see what's so special about the image you want to know about. Selfie or not, it's a snapshot and nothing more. And selfies are, IMHO, not 'real' photography.
cell phone pic.
who cares if someone else took it.
I'm not at my pc, but maybe a little detective work on the reflection in the window MAY provide the answer. I have to agree with Sparky. It's none of my business, but this really isn't that great regardless of how it was taken
Seems that the OP is trying to find out if the subject of the pic lied when he said he took this himself or if someone else took this. A little snooping in someone else's cell phone maybe?
He wasn't holding the camera, but he could have used the self-timer feature or a cable shutter release.

You can take a selfie using the self-timer, a cable shutter release, or a radio-frequency remote. Getting yourself framed and in focus is the hard part.

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