Im back! First Time..


TPF Noob!
Dec 22, 2011
Reaction score
Chicago IL
lemme know what you guys think, i dont know what i was really going for but i personally like them.

IMG_0283 by Keeedo, on Flickr - F/5.6 1/25 sec ISO-800 55 mm

IMG_0266 by Keeedo, on Flickr - F/3.5 1/60 sec ISO-400 21 mm

IMG_0349 by Keeedo, on Flickr - F/4 0.8 sec ISO-400 55mm

IMG_0339 by Keeedo, on Flickr - F/3.5 1.6 sec ISO-400 21mm

IMG_0334 by Keeedo, on Flickr - F/3.5 0.6 sec ISO-400 18mm

IMG_0333 by Keeedo, on Flickr - F/3.5 1 sec ISO-400 18mm

IMG_0331 by Keeedo, on Flickr - F/5.6 1.6 sec ISO-800 18mm
Your WB is off, the images are underexposed and the horizons are not level.
One thing that stuck out to me is that you tend to center your subjects. Studying up on composition (ie: rule of thirds) could really help you improve.

As mentioned above, the white balance is off. That can be easily corrected in digital photo professional (should have come with your T3i).

Out of the photos you have posted, I think number 4 has the most potential.

PS- Welcome to the forum!
Your WB is off, the images are underexposed and the horizons are not level.

All of this.

Also, what are you trying to tell with you photos? Are they just snap shots that you took? If so, what is there to critique aside from the technical?

I'll agree with #4 having potential, but that's simply in it's composition. It's inherently a boring photo. Sorry to be blunt.
The 4th one has the most potential. I would crop out some of the left side (so the building glowing white is gone), and some of the foreground (probably half of the concrete) so the couple is more in the corner of the photo. Also, clone out the 2 yellow things that are sort of distracting, and then correct the white balance, and I think it will be a very nice photo.
here is my 30 second edit on the photo:

Your WB is off, the images are underexposed and the horizons are not level.

All of this.

Also, what are you trying to tell with you photos? Are they just snap shots that you took? If so, what is there to critique aside from the technical?

I'll agree with #4 having potential, but that's simply in it's composition. It's inherently a boring photo. Sorry to be blunt.

i am still new to photo editing, video editing is my area but i am wanting to learn photo editing more. are there any good articles or suggestions and or tuts that you know of that could put me on the right track? i do have adobe photoshop if that helps
These city lights shots would all be better shots without the people getting in the way of the landscape IMHO.
Your WB is off, the images are underexposed and the horizons are not level.

All of this.

Also, what are you trying to tell with you photos? Are they just snap shots that you took? If so, what is there to critique aside from the technical?

I'll agree with #4 having potential, but that's simply in it's composition. It's inherently a boring photo. Sorry to be blunt.

i am still new to photo editing, video editing is my area but i am wanting to learn photo editing more. are there any good articles or suggestions and or tuts that you know of that could put me on the right track? i do have adobe photoshop if that helps

Try these..

photo editing tutorials - Google Search

And also look at Youtube.....

photo editind - YouTube

Good luck
i absolutely love the 4th picture. If that was a picture of me and my girl , id be happy with that. Even though our faces arent in it, its still a beautiful picture. Some people over think photographs a little bit.
Read up on technique, but really, the best thing you can do is treat each photograph like a creation. What do you want it to express? What do you want it to say? Use the camera and create a picture that speaks. Tutorials are good ways to learn techniques to help your picture become more evocative.

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