I'm new to photography!


TPF Noob!
Sep 13, 2011
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Hi guys,
I'm new to photography and I got that camera : Panasonic DMC-FZ40. I know that options are different on each camera, but I would like to know about some things. I see my mode dial and I'm lost xD.
Here are my questions :
1. What is aperture priority? What does this mean?
2. Manual exposure mode?
3. Shutter priority?
In short...

1. What is aperture priority? What does this mean?

This is the setting on your camera (usually Av for Canon... A for Nikon and most other brands...) that allows you to set the aperture setting while the camera figures out the shutter and other things... often used for Depth of Field Control.

2. Manual exposure mode?

The setting on your camera (M) that allows you to control the aperture, shutter, ISO and everything else really....

3. Shutter priority?

The mode (Tv for Canon... S for Nikon and most other brands...) is similar to #1 but this allows you to change the shutter speed while the camera handles the shutter...
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Just a minor correction Bus... Aperture Priority is Av on Canon and simply 'A' on most others.
1. What is aperture priority? What does this mean?
is used to blur background the lower the F number eg f5.6 the more blur the higher the F number f22 the shaper the image

2. Manual exposure mode?
I use this mode when I want to overwrite the cameras setting mostly when I'm using a flash

3. Shutter priority?
is to frizz motion eg some one jumping the faster the shutter quicker the frizz will be, slower shutter is used for smoothing waterfalls among other things
Mine is Av too :)

I got confused in a thread awhile ago when someone said A I thought they meant auto.

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