I'm very new at all this, and this is my first shoot! I'd like some C&C


TPF Noob!
Sep 24, 2010
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I really love photography, and bought a digital SLR a while back. I've been in school and haven't really had time to learn it, until recently. Of course, I'm a complete amateur and have never had a photography class. There is so much I have no clue about. I prefer to take pictures outdoors because the lighting is much easier to work with, IMO. I would like to learn more, and move forward with my photography interests. Here are a few pics I took of my son over the summer....I welcome all C&C and any tips/advice you can offer me! :) Thanks!


2. This one is a bit blurry, to my disappointment. :(



4 is by far your best shot out of these, although its a little OOF.

welcome to TPF!

read read, shoot, read, shoot shoot shoot.
soak it up and have fun!
Welcome, glad you are getting some use out of your camera. #1 it appears a tad overexposed. #2 is pretty soft(Out of focus) #3 and 4 look a tad overexposed also. I like the last one but the lighting is a tad uneven for my taste. Keep using, and becoming more familiar with your camera and its settings. And keep posting samples of your work for feedback :thumbup:
I think the exposure on the subject is awesome. It looks nice. number 4 I agree looks nice.
Thanks for the feedback! It was very sunny and bright that day. How can I prevent overexposure on days like that? I plan to read up on exposure, focus, and lighting (or take a class) as much as I can so I can learn more. I wish I had someone to just show me! lol
4 is by far your best shot out of these, although its a little OOF.

welcome to TPF!

read read, shoot, read, shoot shoot shoot.
soak it up and have fun!
+1 ! :thumbup:

Your well on your way :) Seriously, you can never read to much into this. Make sure you read your manual as well ;)
I have read my manual pretty much from front to back so I can get to know the ins and outs of my camera functions. But, it is bit confusing when you know nothing about all these bells and whistles! lol

I took the information that I did understand and went out and took these pictures. I need a digital SLR book for dummies to break it all down for me! lol

A friend of mine recently asked me to take pics at her wedding and I'm scared as hell to say yes. I have been reading up on wedding photography like crazy. I would have said no right away, but she was going to let just a random person take pics with a point and shoot camera. I think I could definitely offer her better pictures than that! We'll see, I'm still thinking about it.
If you want to shoot your son while he is in direct sunlight you'll need to learn how to do fill lighting, with reflectors or better yet, off camera flash.

Visit Strobist: Lighting 101http://www.strobist.com and start looking through the articles.

Photography is mostly about using light effectively.

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