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Initial thoughts of my new Nikon D3300


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Dec 5, 2012
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Toronto Canada
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Bought a new D3300 few days ago and I wanted to share my initial thoughts of it

I upgraded from the D5100 and it feels like the low light performance is about 1/3 better, subjective feeling but its better in low light.
It goes up to 12800ISO natively, from the few shots I made I dont see myself using it, too noisy but I might change my thoughts about it in different scenarios, it produces slightly better and cleaner files then my old D7100 at 6400ISO

There are very few goodies on this camera, its pretty basic so while its a really impressive crop sensor camera it will not spoil you with stuff like bracketing, swivel screen, GPS, Wifi and many other stuff I am used to from the D5100 or D750

As I expected camera is capable to produce excelent sharp images especially when I mount good lenses on it, I would not excpect anything less from a modern Nikon.

All in all I think I got a tremendous value to the money, Nikon D3300 cost today in Canada 400$ CAN (280$ USD) which is an unbelivable value for the money, the D3300 might be basic in its features and has Nikon's basic AF system but its still an amazing modern camera with an excellent Sony sensor and Expeed 4 processor which is same processor I have in my D750, it has top of the line low light performance (for an APS-C cameras).
I agree.I got the D3300 for the odd hours I go out and shoot at night or early am while still dark out In case I take a spill or possibly even rolled I am not losing gear that cost me much more money at the time of purchase the Pentax K-3. The sensor performance from the D3300 if a sony or not is excellent and noticeably less noise then my K-3. I am really enjoying this camera.The exposure metering and focus accuracy seems to be consistenly good.

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