Into The Groove


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Mar 10, 2007
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From 2009, re-processed yesterday. This was shot handheld, with natural light only – all the available light came through that door. When the light hits your subject just right, balance is restored in the universe – if only for a fleeting moment – and life is good :)


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Photography is not much about what you capture, as much as how you capture; a photographer reinvents something in an object or reinterprets with his talent, imagination and creativityThis is one such thingRegards :D
I love the color and texture, the composition, and the implied motion. However (you knew there was a "however" didn't you?), the white highlights in the vertical groove on the left are killing me. I think the groove itself is essential to the overall composition, along with the fade back into black on the left side, but the highlight is much brighter and whiter than the highlights along the edge of the door and it is too distracting. Either cloning the white strip in the bottom half entirely or darkening it considerably would improve the image, imo.

Well said about craving that fleeting moment of balance; that's why we photographers are insatiable.
Photography is not much about what you capture, as much as how you capture; a photographer reinvents something in an object or reinterprets with his talent, imagination and creativityThis is one such thingRegards :D
Thank you, sir!

I love the color and texture, the composition, and the implied motion. However (you knew there was a "however" didn't you?), the white highlights in the vertical groove on the left are killing me. I think the groove itself is essential to the overall composition, along with the fade back into black on the left side, but the highlight is much brighter and whiter than the highlights along the edge of the door and it is too distracting. Either cloning the white strip in the bottom half entirely or darkening it considerably would improve the image, imo.
Thanks for the feedback, Ken. I thought about lightening the rest of the image during post, but that would've completely changed the mood. I might give your suggestion a try.

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