Iridescent Clouds and the Moon


A naughty little bunny...
Nov 28, 2011
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Hey all :) I've been looking up at the sky a lot the past couple days and thought I'd share!

I shot the moon for the first time a couple days ago and this is the shot I'm happiest with.

IMG_7934 by Judi Smelko, on Flickr

Looked outside this afternoon and found these iridescent clouds.
These are my fav's.

Thanks for looking! C&C always welcome.

Wow, the moon looks really nice! What kind of lens where you using?
Thanks J :)
18-200is on my Canon 60D
The moon is fine... and the cloud pattern and colors make it a complete image, even without any other object to support; that's my feeling :D
That looks great! You inspired me to try last night but my results were not as good. The clouds are crazy! Why are they that color? Is that natural or done in pp?
The moon is fine... and the cloud pattern and colors make it a complete image, even without any other object to support; that's my feeling :D
Thanks Frequency :)
That looks great! You inspired me to try last night but my results were not as good. The clouds are crazy! Why are they that color? Is that natural or done in pp?
Thanks Paigew! Keep at the moon shot, treat it like something in really bright sunlight, that's how it kinda clicked for me.

The clouds are natural, just enhanced a bit in PP. They are called Iridescent Clouds and it is the same premise as a rainbow.. but with whispy clouds and ice.

Nice moon shot.

The cloud shots all have a nice "feel" to them.
Thanks Joel :)

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