is this considered still life?


TPF Noob!
Jul 1, 2009
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cornelius, NC
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for my next project i need a still life, heres the outline

"the subject matter of the photograph is up to you; however it must depict a still life arrangement. find objects that have a variety of textures and values. select an appropriate place and background."

since i dont have a background i dont think itll work for this project.

Flickr search, or google image search "still life" and come back and tell us what you learned.
Christ, man, be honest with yourself: does this image have "a variety of textures"? Does it even have a background?

Aren't you the guy that wants a photography certificate in order to help land a job as an assistant? Do you think churning out this kind of stuff is going to make anyone feel like they have to move heaven and earth to hire you?
Christ, man, be honest with yourself: does this image have "a variety of textures"? Does it even have a background?

Aren't you the guy that wants a photography certificate in order to help land a job as an assistant? Do you think churning out this kind of stuff is going to make anyone feel like they have to move heaven and earth to hire you?
as a matter of fact...yes, this very photo will be presented in the most of prestigious art galleries
It's not still life, it was clearly moving judging by how blurry it is. an appropriate place and background."

since i dont have a background i dont think itll work for this project.
Your posts are kind of hard to read since you don't use proper punctuation or capital letters but, you have backgrounds all around you.

What the instructor means, as an example, if you still life is a photo of a variety of empty wine glasses, using a football field as a background would not be appropriate, but a white wine colored piece of fabric would be.
wikipedia has been known to be wrong .

By any art standard this would not fit into that classification; photography as well.

A background can be a variety of items. A concret wall, a white wall, etc.

Photography is about problem solving and I would suggest you need to stretch yourself more.

And frankly any outstand gallery i know would throw you out the door showing this type of beginners work.
ohhhh yeah, your not ready for this masterpiece...M&M's, Skittles, AND Gummy Bears, oh yeah, dont forget about the background


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