It's Friday the 13th!


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Sep 2, 2003
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Who has a killer weekend in store?? :mrgreen:

Not me....I'll be alone in the house. Hubby has a road trip to see a buddy off who's being re-stationed, and I have to stay behind to make sure the teenager doesn't burn the house down. :irked: Maybe some darkroom fun, I dunno.

Surely one of you can beat that! :lol:
terri said:
I'll be alone in the house... Maybe some darkroom fun

i can make it to atlanta in 3 hours.

jk, not much here either, its supposed to rain here so my plans for world domination through the use of a camera are probably going to be a wash.

T-ball game tonight, dinner party Saturday night with some friends. I have homework to do as well as working from home on my regular work. I need some rest and I'm not feeling so great.
Hmmm...not too sure of my plans yet. I work 9-2 both Saturday and Sunday, and I'll be seeing Erik (I'm at his place now) on dunno what I'm doing today even. I'm at Erik's mercy til he takes me to get my car, which is fixed now, with a huuuge repair bill.
Mediation for the kid stuff with my ex today :grumpy: , cleaning the house, then grocery shop for a BBQ at home on Saturday afternoon, try to recover on Sunday before heading back to work on Monday. Hopefully I'll finally get some well needed time on the sofa with my sweetie. I'll be hoping for the next week to be over quickly since next weekend I'm hoping to do absolutely nothing. :mrgreen:
i'm working tonight and tomorrow 5-11.... then sunday morning i'm flying to the bahamas for 5 days with my family :mrgreen:
Doing the garden
Digging the weeds
Who could ask for more?
Will you still need me
Will you still feed me
When I'm 64?

-the Beatles
A lovely weekend spent indoors due to massive thunderstorms. Might actually do some study - consisting of reading Harry Potter in french, watching lots of tv, and listening to the radio. Learning languages is such a bludge.
Might do some real study for ATC testing coming up some day.

I had planned on doing some hiking in the Alps. But that's just been washed down the proverbial plug hole. :-(
Nytmair said:
i'm working tonight and tomorrow 5-11.... then sunday morning i'm flying to the bahamas for 5 days with my family :mrgreen:

Dang can I come :lol: Sounds like a great weekend, we best see lots of pics!!!

Little bit of shopping followed by a SURVIVOR SEASON FINALE PARTY :) WAHOOOO!!!
Nytmair said:
i'm working tonight and tomorrow 5-11.... then sunday morning i'm flying to the bahamas for 5 days with my family :mrgreen:

I'll contort myself so I can fit in your carry-on bag.
core_17 said:
I'll contort myself so I can fit in your carry-on bag.

i knew a girl like that once...really fun at parties and barmitzvah's!


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