It's Sabine's B-Day!


TPF Noob!
Jul 14, 2005
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HBD Sabine!!!!

I know where Mom and Dad are...but not sure about you? Hope you get to this and you have a GREAT day!
:smileys: Happy B-day Sabine:smileys:
happy birthday to you
Hey, thanks Woody, for starting this thread for Sabine. She was not home for her birthday and she still hasn't returned, so we haven't seen her since April 2 --- but thankfully we were able to put ourselves in touch with her on her birthday from our New York hotel room phone (which was "dodgy", to put it mildly, so I was really, really, REALLY glad we finally got an outside line on that 7 April!!!). It was morning for us when we could call her, and afternoon for her, and while we were in New York, she actually was in Prague at the time we reached her (but without any camera, I had all of mine on me... so sorry, so she could not take any pics, other than with her cell phone, which I don't know she did or not?) - seems like they were having a break in all their swimming and went on an outing to Prague to celebrate her birthday ... that training camp she's attending is right on the Czech border, so they are relatively close and took the advantage.

Can't wait to see my "new" REAL teenager again, now that she IS a teenager, having turned thirteen, when she was "only" twelve by the time we and she left ;) --- tomorrow she'll be home again. I'll show her this thread. :D Thanks in her name!
Happy belated b'day Sabine :D :D :D
hope you had a great time!
welcome to the teens :mrgreen: :thumbsup:
:wav: :wav: :wav:
:band: :band:
Happy Birthday, Sabine! I hope it was a good one.

I was with your parents on your birthday, and I know how proud of you they are. :)

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