Just because.


TPF Noob!
Mar 11, 2013
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Southern NJ
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Been on a hiatus from the internet since I got to SoDak in April. Pretty wild, unmolested place out here working on the Missouri River & Lake Lewis & Clark with endangered shorebirds. Figured I'd share a few pictures of the place. DCerezno, evidence I'm putting that cam to work, ha! Hopefully in next month I'll have enough saved for the lens I want so I'll have better quality stuff to post. Don't bother trying to grill me on my photog skills, I know some of it is butchered and grainy. Just havin' fun. :-P This stuff probably belongs in scapes but oh well, I like wildlife.

Backroad in northeastern Nebraska.

Pair of bluewingers at Ponca State Park. One of the nicest state parks I've visited hands down.

Fort Pierre National Grasslands. Camped out here one night & went to a blind to see Greater-prairie chickens & Sharp-tailed grouse. Really special place, totally wild habitat. You can basically just pull off and rustic camp in designated areas as needed.

At dusk in FPNG we were scoping out burrowing owls and prairie dogs. Where's the .223 when you need it, ha!
Got 6-7 life birds out here which was pretty sweet.

Greater-prairie chickens drumming.

Rough life, right? The daily commuter.

Working with some shorebirds species of special concern out here; Snowy & Piping plovers, Least terns, American avocets, & Spotted sandpipers.

Still haven't snuck one to see if they infact taste like chicken....ha!

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