Just picked up a FZ300


TPF Noob!
Dec 26, 2006
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South Florida
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Well a permanent loan from a friend. Any users out there? Looks like a fun rig.
Old tech but with a Leica lens it should still be good ... :icon_santa:
Yes I have a FZ330 here in the UK, I have had many bridge cameras over the years, Fujlfilm S9600, Fuji X-S1 (twice), Sony RX10iv (twice), Lumix FZ200 which I then upgraded to the FZ330. I personally think the FZ330 is the perfect compromise out of all of those because it has a super sharp Leica branded lens 24-600mm at a constant f2.8, it is lighter and more compact than any of the others, apart from the S9600, which may have been lighter. It has some protection against light rain although I have used other none protected cameras in light rain without any problems. The AF is certainly better than any of the others apart from the RX10iv and the picture quality is very good in my opinion, though the Sony beats it by a small margin.
G'day Akiva

Yes I am also an FZ-300 + FZ-2500 user daily
The 300 is my general walk-around unit when out bushwalking, the 2500 for more upmarket stuff
The 300 is used regularly for theatre work, and as mentioned above, its constant aperture F2,8 Leica lens is very sharp for what it is, and delivers great results

I shoot both cameras in JPG mode permanently - I have run both on RAW+JPG and find the results via RAW to be not much different than JPG.

If you would like to receive some PDF docs explaining more about Lumix operations, give me a shout
"Ozzie_Traveller@Yahoo.com" is my public contact address


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