Katoomba Falls For Terri...


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Jan 17, 2024
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Cronulla, NSW, Australia
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We made it up to there on the weekend. I done a sunset then we rushed over to these falls to run a long exposure in the darkness.

To our amazement, the tree hanging over from the left had been trimmed up! But not much water flow nor any mist left me with a bit of a different scene. Anyway, Terri, this one was for you even if it still isn't quite what you requested. I had no choice but to utilise the foreground here... 😃

Four image focus stack.

Sony A7RV. Sony 16-35mm PZ G.

F16. 20sec. 18mm. Iso2000.

72mm Kenko Celeste C-Pol Filter.

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Nice shot. I am always up for a long exposure waterfall. It looks like a beautiful spot there mate.
Nice shot. I am always up for a long exposure waterfall. It looks like a beautiful spot there mate.

Too right, it's just criminal to pass it up. This particular one here will generally have at least one hundred tourists there at all times during the day. The only opportunity to shoot it is dusk or dawn.

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