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Kia Ora from NZ


TPF Noob!
Aug 26, 2007
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New Zealand
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Though I have belonged to this forum for some time I cannot remember whether I have contributed or not. I have often looked but couldn't sign in as I had forgotten my password. Over the past week I have made a more determined effort and worked it out.
A bit about me, I now live in Reporoa having moved here from Taranaki in 2007. I am in a job I really enjoy, an office manager.
I enjoy photography but wouldn't say I was much good at it, but I muddle along and have more scrappers than keepers. One of these days I am going to have to clean out my files into those types of files.
My husband bought me a digital camera last year that I use quite a bit, but deep down I still enjoy using film cameras. Don't know if anyone else has given digital imagery a comparison to transparency film, but to me the two are very similar.
My favorite photo situations are macro, nature, land and water scapes, animals and my grand children.
I have a site on DA if anyone wants to check it out http://nanakiwi.deviantart.com/gallery/
My husband also enjoys photography which comes in really handy as we can bounce ideas off each other.
As winter approaches (yes we had our first frost of the season yesterday morning- not used to frost at this time of the year as down in taranaki we were lucky to get maybe 4 or 5 frosts a year and usually not until much later in the year) I look forward to being able to take a different sort of photo for me anyway. We live near lots of steam vents, of fpaddocks, hills, rivers etc and would like to get out on the early still mornings and take photos.
I look forward to contributing more now that I remember my password and have now written it down
Hi Kiwi, welcome aboard.

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