Landscape, Portrait or Trash it???

Thanks everybody for your comments. Unfortunately it's a tie and needs to be broken.

So that's:
5 votes Landscape
7 votes Portrait (assuming nossie prefers the portrait) - nice work :sillysmi:
0 vote Trash It :)hail:)

Anyone else care to cast an opinion?


I vote landscape
Even with RKW3's edit, I think we're at:

6 votes Landscape
8 votes Portrait (assuming nossie prefers the portrait) - nice work :sillysmi:
0 vote Trash It :)hail:)

Okay, that was very close. Personally, I prefer the landscape.
By the hair of my chinny-chin-chin, Portrait's got it, even with my vote. Thanks to everyone that didn't say to trash it.

The polls are still open.
I was looking at both for a bit... and honestly they make two different pictures all together. It kinda depends on what your trying to achieve. I really liked the portrait because it showed the size of the rock and focused on that... but the more I looked at the landscape I liked that one too because of the full view of the area... so I think it depends on what you want your viewers to see... I like both though....
I really like both. They both have their own positive aspects, but if I had to pick one over the other I would say portrait. Portrait is much more dramatic with this shot...the openness on the left gives it a more "epic" feel. (I couldn't think of a word to describe how it made me feel, so epic was the closest I could think of, I'm sure there is a better word for it...)
I really like both. They both have their own positive aspects, but if I had to pick one over the other I would say portrait. Portrait is much more dramatic with this shot...the openness on the left gives it a more "epic" feel. (I couldn't think of a word to describe how it made me feel, so epic was the closest I could think of, I'm sure there is a better word for it...)

I had a look it up to make sure: Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This
Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ep-ik]Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation–adjective Also, ep·i·cal. 3.heroic; majestic; impressively great: the epic events of the war. 4.of unusually great size or extent: a crime wave of epic proportions

No probs with epic MarcusM.

Sorry , Stine but your ambigious decisicion does not improve the odds. Not that there's anything wrong with that.:D

So I'm gonna give it:

7 votes Landscape
10 votes Portrait ( still assuming nossie prefers the portrait) :sillysmi:
0 vote Trash It :)hail:)

I'm still ever so thankful that no one has suggested to trash it yet.
If you choose to keep it as a portrait, I will say thats good. If you choose to keep it as a landscape, I will say I like that best. If you trash it, I will never post on your threads ever again, and I will accuse you of playing with your friend's grapes! ;)

In other words, I like portrait, but landscape wins my vote, and dont trash either one of them. :D

You crack me up!


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