Good info...the best teacher however is trial and error.
In photography, never be afraid to try anything.
Also is getting a good idea of exposure settings try these thoughts:
1-Take a series of pics an aperture priority mode. Start with a flower and shoot it wide ope, lowest f number, and then go 1 f number higher and so on until you reach f22 or the highest f number available. You will see very shallow depth of field and see it expand with each progressive shot.
2-Take a person, or a post, or whatever and make it your subject. Position yourself so that the background is at least 10X...or more if possible---as far behind the subject as you are in front of it and shoot it just as you did the flower. Start wide open and go to a deeper depth of field...stopping down...with each shot.
3-Set the camera to shutter priority and find some fairly fast moving objects such as traffic in 1 35 MPH zone or kids on bikes and shoot at the fastest shutter speed you can, and then ratchet it slower and slower each shot until you can go no slower...a ,omopod/tripod/beanbag will help.
4-Done just like #3 but find a sloooow moving object such as a watrfall or a flowing river and start as slow as you can and move a little faster each shot.
Don't worry about whether the subjects yield artistic results or are looking for the interplay between f stop and shutter speed.
In bright sunlight and 200 ISO you will find that F32 and 1/60, F22 and 1/125, F16 and 1/250, F8 and 1/500, F5.6 and 1/1,000, F4 and 1/2,000, F2.8 and 1/4,000, F2 and 1/8,000, F1.4 and 1/16,000 wi;; all yield a properly exposed photo...and completely different results from 1 extreme to the other.
If you are using digital this will cost nothing...the differences can be seen on screen, or printed at lower res on cheap paper. You also will have results while it's fresher in memory.
Most of all...have fun.