Lens Across America - The Traveling Lens (Round 5)

anyone who's had the lens already, add your pics to the flickr group i made and linked above please!
It has arrived.


So I don't forget, @zulu42 will be next. Normally I'd offer to hand carry it, but we're a bit short this week. :345: I'll PM you in a couple of days.
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The travelling lens has made it to the wild west. Thanks @snowbear ! I'll keep it at least through the weekend, try to find something to shoot, then send it off to @MartinCrabtree.

Everyone should check out the flickr group. Some really neat images being added.
I posted 8 new photos from yesterday to the flickr group.
What can I say about this lens...?
1. It works!
2. If it was my only lens, I would shoot all day with it!
3. It's the best 28-80mm 3.5-5.6D I've ever used!

Here's a couple shots

It's not awful, but it really made me miss my faster glass.

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