lens adapters?

CW Jones

TPF Noob!
Feb 26, 2009
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Ok... I have a Pentax SF-10 35mm camera. It has a relatively nice 70-200mm 3.5 lens on it. I am going to end up getting a canon DSLR. Is there any sort of adapter that I can get to use that lense on a Canon body? I am pretty right on money... I am thinking I will be able to swing the $500 for the Rebel EOS XS in a few months (or less!) but I am not sure if I will have the extra $200 or so for the canon 70-300 I believe it is. Anyone know anything about adapters? how well they work maybe? pro's and con's? help me out if you do! haha

I've heard of them but most likley you will lose autofocus and maybe a stop of aperture or even image quality. I think you should get the Canon 70-200 f/2.8 after the XS. Also if you can wait the T1i is coming out in May so most likely the prices of the XS and XSI will drop.
Unfortunately for your pocketbook, but much better for your photos, you really want to get lenses meant for the camera you have. Saving a few bucks usually means settling for lesser quality photos.
alright, thats not the answer I wanted... but I will defiantly make sure I have enough money for the 70-200 that fits the canon haha
Have you taken a look at the Pentax DLRS' ?

You can use your current Pentax lenses on it.
I have looked at them, but only briefly. dont get me wrong... I like there camera's BUT from what I am seeing if I buy into something like Nikon or Canon... I will have a ton of great cameras that I can grow into... and just keep my collection of lenses expanding if that makes sense. I mean I am looking at the XS right now... then maybe the XSI or 40D, where as I only see a few for Pentax
Trust me, you will want Nikon or Canon. I would just recommend that you sell it, after you get a new camera.
Some adapters introduce an additional "corecting" element and on others you lose infinity focus.

However, I understand that the Pentax screw mount (M42) is one of the more successful adaptations for the Canon EOS line..

Make sure that you know the type of mount you have, and the one you want to go to.. (M42 lens to Canon EF (EOS) Camera) [edited to note the Pentax K-mount is not an M42]

You may lose some features, such as auto focus, or on very early lenses you must be un full manual... However, is you have an investment in M42 Screwmount lenses (or Nikon, etc) then the cost of an adapter may be an answer.

Optically, the lens has what it has........the camera doesn't care, so IQ should not be an issue unless you are unable to achieve focus.

edited: I understand that the Pentax SF-10 uses the K-mount, so it may not be as simple as the M42, but the idea is the same.
I've heard of them but most likley you will lose autofocus and maybe a stop of aperture or even image quality. I think you should get the Canon 70-200 f/2.8 after the XS. Also if you can wait the T1i is coming out in May so most likely the prices of the XS and XSI will drop.

You are telling him to spring for a $1200+ lens plus the camera body when he said that he was going to have trouble to springing for the body and a $200 lens.

If you want to keep the lens that you have then go for the pentex.

I would look for a used Nikon on adorama.com that is were i got my used D70 with the 18-70 but im sure the prices have gone down on that package. Also Nikon has a $200 70-300, but u might be better off buying the 55-200 VR (Vibration Reduction) which is only about $20 more i belive.

I wasn't able to find the D70 package but i found a D50 with 18-55 for only $350. The 55-200 VR was made to go hand and hand with the 18-55.

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