lens help


TPF Noob!
Nov 16, 2010
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hi i have a canon eos 500d what would be an all round good lens for me to get any help?
This depends to a large extent on the type of photography you intend to do and the budget you have in mind.......:D
erm i like doing all types but more portrait really?
What lens do you have now and what do you like/dislike about it?

And how much do you want to spend?
i have just the standerd lens 18-55 i just want my pics to be more crisp and clearer really dont want to go to mad with the price as only just paid for the camera
i have just the standerd lens 18-55 i just want my pics to be more crisp and clearer really dont want to go to mad with the price as only just paid for the camera

Show us a photo taken with this lens it could be your settings that are not giving you crisp shots, bad settings with a good lens will not give you better results
As i thought down to settings plus there is hardly any light , did you use a tripod ? with the look of the light you need a longer exposure
As i thought down to settings plus there is hardly any light , did you use a tripod ? with the look of the light you need a longer exposure

Yh I did use a tripod and Yh needs more light I have used it in day light yet lol I'm off out to a sea life centre on the weekend so will try it there will keep u posted thanks for ya help

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