Lens Recommendations Needed!!


TPF Noob!
Feb 4, 2012
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Hi everyone. In the market for a new lens for gf T3i (her kit lens broke) and needed some help.

Budget: Roughly $300 more or less depending if the amount is justified.

She's more into video recording than pictures, so lenses that works best for recording is preferred. I'm not too technical on SLR at the moment so I'm not sure what else to ask for (please bear with me) She liked her kit lens quite a bit and considered buying another pair but I told her maybe she should look at other lenses and find one would work better for her needs.

I'm gonna try to surprise her with it so I don't want to ask her anything out of the ordinary.
If there's anything you guys need to know that will better help narrow down the choices please let me know. I'll try to answer them to the best of my abilities.
Thanks for the suggestion but I solely sticking to new lenses.
Forgot to mention I need a lens that can zoom decently also.
Kinda like vlogging, she likes to record videos when shes on trips or vacations and make videos afterwards. Or make music videos after music artists.
She places heavy emphases on a lens that can zoom in while recording.
Wanting zoom, new, and 300ish price range.
I'd look at the 18-135 canon.
Im new to this forum and im not sure how to start my own thread yet. Im trying to figure out what lens i can use that would be good for my new camera. I have a canon XTI 400D that came with the lens kit & the pictures always come out blury adn the zoom isnt the best. It could be my settings which is something else i will have to figure out as well. I am looking for a lens that i can do indoor photography (portraits for friends), outdoor photography when i goto carshows and also something i can use to photograph my boyfriends basketball games. Can someone help me out with some lenes that they have used for similar events. I will also be practicing a friends parents 80th bday bash and i want something that will get the job done. Thank you..

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