Lens suggestion


TPF Noob!
May 27, 2013
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I have bought a nikon d800..i work on ships and sail around..i am using the 50mm prime lens with d800 which i had for my d90..as my next glass should I buy nikon 24-70 f2.8 or nikon 70-200 f2.8 vs nikon 80-400mm..as i sail around in sea so i get good sceneries for which 24-70 is useful and sea birds,dolphins etc for which 70-200/80-400 are useful..please suggest only one of these now..
I have bought a nikon d800..i work on ships and sail around..i am using the 50mm prime lens with d800 which i had for my d90..as my next glass should I buy nikon 24-70 f2.8 or nikon 70-200 f2.8 vs nikon 80-400mm..as i sail around in sea so i get good sceneries for which 24-70 is useful and sea birds,dolphins etc for which 70-200/80-400 are useful..please suggest only one of these now..
Go to this website:
RANDOM.ORG - Dice Roller

If you see a 1 or a 2, pick the 24-70mm
if you see a 3 or a 4, pick the 70-200mm
if you see a 5 or a 6, pick the 80-400mm

This will be just as useful of information to you as anything anybody here can tell you. Because the only information you have given us is "Here are three lenses. All of them would do things that I like to do, and I'm not telling you anything about how often I do any of these things compared to each other, or which ones I like to do most, or what aspects of my earlier photographs I was most frustrated by, or what sorts of difficulties I have run into before." There's little we can do with that other than randomly choose one.
You need to choose for yourself, you know the parameters that the majority of your shots are taken. All the lenses you list do differing jobs.
Understood..the idea is to buy all three of them..14-24,24-70,70-200..only wana know as I have 50 mm prime lens should i go for 70-200 1st and then after 6 months for 24-70..as for portraits 50mm works fine..or should I buy 24-70 as it solve multiple purpose from landscape to portrait...majority i shoot is portraits and landscape..but often i dont wana miss those rare birds also..dnt wana buy all of them together..it puts a deep hole in the pocket..
Also where can buy this in best price..US or somewhere else
I have all three but find that the majority of my images seem to be taken on the 24-70. I guess that's my standard lens.

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the idea is to buy all three of them..14-24,24-70,70-200..only wana know as I have 50 mm prime lens should i go for 70-200 1st and then after 6 months for 24-70..as for portraits 50mm works fine..or should I buy 24-70 as it solve multiple purpose from landscape to portrait...majority i shoot is portraits and landscape..but often i dont wana miss those rare birds also..dnt wana buy all of them together..it puts a deep hole in the pocket.. Also where can buy this in best price..US or somewhere else
Even I am little inclined towards 24-70...later on can go for rest of them..
1 quick question..70-200 with teleconverter or 80-400mm..

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Those lenses are of pretty low price in Japan as far as I konw.

My suggestion is , get a SIGMA /TAMRON 70-300/70-200 and forget about the Nikon 70-200.

To get a 14-24 is a must to me if I had a Nikon D800.
Isn't nikon holy trinity is the best..the only reason i should go for sigma/tamron is for price..are they comparatively better in terms of quality??i dont believe so

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The focal range of 70-200 is on main purpose of portrait photography rather than shooting birds.
Since you feel fine with the 50mm lens when doing portrait , I don't think the focal range of 70-200 is very important to you.

80-400 is a real good focal range for bird shooting ,and also suitable for portrait.

A full-frame DSLR does not do better than a APS-C one in shooting birds when the megapixels are equal.

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I have a japan visit planned next month..heard akihabara tokyo sell these lenses used ones at very reasonable price..are these genuine..no chance of getting cheated like in China..

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As a matter of general knowledge , there is no counterfeit DSLR lens at all.

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