Life in the sun


TPF Noob!
Jul 28, 2011
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Atlanta, Georgia
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Just a few I've taken over the past week. People pictures are more of snapshots, all C&C is welcome but I'm looking for critique on the landscapes mostly.

#1 - I've been taking a bunch of sunset pictures lately but I finally found a foreground -- this fence.


#2 - Brilliant day in rural Georgia. Are these good proportions for portraying wide open space?


#3 - Snapshot, though I had alot of setup. This is on a huge trestle near my apartment that spans the Oconee River. I was having a hard time integrating both the vastness of the river and the depth of the bridge. Any ideas on how I could improve this?


#4 - Went back to the Kaolin mines(clay) about 30 minutes from my town. I liked the composition in this shot

#1: i think if the sun was more available with and also with more light.... this would have been a better image
#2: Such 'receding' style i always love...classic!!!
#3; this looks very artificial
#4: very classic composition......
What makes #3 look artificial? For some background, I stitched together three portrait oriented shots to get the final product.

#2 - I have earlier shots with more sun, will post when I get home.
What makes #3 look artificial?
May be i am wrong ...but she looks a bit nervous and as if she was saying"hurry up; i am uncomfortable" ;)

Yes; waiting to see the Sun image :D

Ah, that kind of artificial. she was pretty photo-shy and she was also sitting on the edge of a 60 foot drop into a fast moving river so a little uneasiness is to be expected :p perhaps this would have been a better shot to use?
While some might think the powerlines are distracting in #2, I enjoy it, it adds another patterned element to the shot.
You know photography is a personal thing, like a artist and his paintings. Photography outside the NORM, make your own statement just keep shooting. Good luck to you

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