Lighthouse, Grundvik, Iceland


Completely Counter-dependent
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Dec 11, 2006
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Mid-Atlantic US
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(This does make a bit of a point about 'rule of thirds'.)
Maybe a tighter crop but the stark contrast of the orange lighthouse vs the dark ground and cloudy backdrop is very cool.
thanks for looking and for taking the time to comment.
This is on a small peninsula that partially protects the fishing town of Grundvik (I was told that -vik means 'cove'.)
It is close to the most productive fishing banks in the world but also routinely subject, according to the press, to 10-15 meter waves that throw fishing boats well inshore.
Nice shot.
I think the symmetry works well on the composition. It may not be immediately noticeable, but there is a swerving grass pathway from the foreground leading towards the light house, that I think is pleasing.
Not sure if this is a "just sharing" photo, but photoshopping out the wire would be nice improvement.
The background to the orange building looks pretty interesting, did you get a chance to trek up to that point? Could have made a nice image as well.
I happy to hear all comments/critiques on anything I post.
This image is part of a project for me to learn to use LR more extensively.
I haven't yet tried cloning in LR.:05.18-flustered: and, yes, as suggested, I will probably remove the wires before printing.

This is a rocky lava field and walking is quite tortuous because of hidden cracks and crannies; I stuck to the road.
The background to the orange building looks pretty interesting, did you get a chance to trek up to that point? Could have made a nice image as well.

I may have, but haven't looked at the pictures enough to remember what there is.
With the uwave link and the unusual design of the actual light, this looks more like an airport control tower than a lighthouse at first glance. I would be very tempted to remove the wire, image left.
And they say red pops out. I always liked bright orange.

I agree with John about cloning out the wire
Humm ,i like the image, it has great potential, I would just erase that power line, its a bit distracting and i would center the horizon line. There is much land and less sky, That's my opinion.

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Thank you for all the comments.
In the final edit, I might take out the power lines (when I learn LR a bit more) but, since the horizon is above the middle on the right and below the middle on the left, it is as centered, on average, as it's going to get. :bouncingsmileys:

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