Lighting practice


TPF Noob!
May 18, 2012
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Old Town, ME
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So my flashpoint monolight kit came in...yay...but my reflectors don't come in until

No model to practice on tonight so I decided to use a flower. I dunno if its a good example or not, but I learned a few things anyway.

Here are two examples...single strobe and 2 strobe.

I did lots of other examples testing heights distances etc...these are the last two I tested out.

oh yeah, the monolight has a 24x24 softbox on it and the slave flash is in a reflective umbrella.


blah...those look dingy and gray...I just used the cameras jpg's on those for quick check, didn't edit the raws.

This is the same 2 light example raw edit, looks a bit better to me.

Here is a link to the flicker file if you want to view it at full size. I'm pretty happy with my nifty fifty and the quality of picture it takes...and that I'm not missing as much, lol. The modeling lamp on the monolight really helps.

monolightandflashumbrellaraweditweb | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

exif info didn't save for some reason, probly with i saved for web...but it is:

50mm 1.4 (manual focus)
1/160 sec; f/9; ISO 100
I think I was about 3' away maybe-ish.
So you're starting to find just how sharp images can be when you have a good prime lens stopped down, and a nice light hitting your subject, eh? Glad you're getting some practice in. Keep it up, Ernie!
...a world of difference bro....a world of difference. I can't wait to test out my new found knowledge on a person. lol.

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