You're going to buy one, right?
Yes sir, do you think I should? I respect your opinion..... The xT2 but it's on backorder. I am buying the XT2 with battery grip, 18-50mm f2.8, 14mm 2.8, 23mm f/2, Zeiss 50mm 2.8 macro, and the 50-140mm 2.8 with 1.4x converter. Selling all my Nikon stuff (big loss), providing the basketball game comes out good friday night. I want to just change the whole system since I am not a professional.
I know you've only been using it for a few days, but it seems like it makes you happy. You've had some frustrations over the year that I've been following you, and it seems to me that you've found some peace working with film and shooting more abstractly than some of the work you were posting when I first started browsing/posting on the forum. It seems like the Fuji fits both of those sensibilities.
At the end of the day, most of us are looking for something that fulfills our drive for creativity. Our cameras are just a tool in that regard. If the Fuji is going to make you happy in that regard, I wouldn't look back.