Little Porcelain Doll


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jan 29, 2013
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The little girl is wearing the same dress her mom wore for her 2 year pictures. She was just a sweetheart and I instantly fell in love (with the little girl, not the mom). I have a bunch of shots of her giving me a big smile but this one stood out for some reason - there's just something about her expression.

Anyway, C&C welcome.

Love the expression ,Pose ,Head tilt ,and the dress . Don't like the back ground very much . The white "Foot Board" steals my eye ,and the wall paper seems a bit busy for me. Keep in mind I'm "Looking " for something to critique here. All in all I like the shot and would love to see a 2/3s where the details of the dress would stand out some.
This is lovely. She really does look like a doll. lol
Very well done Timothy; I have to agree that the setting isn't ideal, but the everything else is stellar!
Love the expression ,Pose ,Head tilt ,and the dress . Don't like the back ground very much . The white "Foot Board" steals my eye ,and the wall paper seems a bit busy for me. Keep in mind I'm "Looking " for something to critique here. All in all I like the shot and would love to see a 2/3s where the details of the dress would stand out some.
Thanks. The background was almost what I was looking for but just a bit too strong. Good call on the foot board - maybe I will "age" it a bit.

This is lovely. She really does look like a doll. lol
Thanks mom!

Very well done Timothy; I have to agree that the setting isn't ideal, but the everything else is stellar!

Great shot... love her little face!
Yeah, she's a cutie!
I would get down more... still looks like you are shooting DOWN on her... get on her level

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