Looking for Canadian help


TPF Noob!
Jun 15, 2009
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An American in Europe
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Can any of you canadian photogs recommend a very good used bookstore in Canada?

It can be online or physical or both. If it is only physical, a phone number would be appreciated.


EDIT = It seems your good/bigger used bookstore are part of the same online network I use in the US so: Would you know of a smaller store in the Vancouver area?
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Being in Europe, have you picked up another language yet for speaking and reading yet? French and German are extremely useful.

Im in the Vancouver area. If you're just looking for some books at a cheaper price then i recommend Book Warehouse - every book - bargain priced - every day! if your looking for something rare or whatever then i'd have to ask around for some good used book stores as i generally shop used.

Edit: I just remembered this one:

Home - Welcome to Pulpfiction Books!

It's supposed to be fairly good. It's been in local papers and stuff so im assuming it good i haven't actually been in to it though.

Sorry im not of more help. If you want me to check something out at all let me know as i'm in the Vancouver area.

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