Looking for some C&C on these action shots?


TPF Noob!
Aug 24, 2008
Reaction score
Wausau, Wisconsin
Can others edit my Photos
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It's been a while since I posted here, well, since I posted anywhere. I took some Kayaking action shots and was hoping to get some feedback on them. Thank you,

ISO: 200
Exposure: 1/800 sec
Aperture: 6.3
Focal Length: 95mm


Model: NIKON D90
ISO: 200
Exposure: 1/800 sec
Aperture: 5.6
Focal Length: 195mm


ISO: 1000 (Forgot to check the ISO on this one.)
Exposure: 1/2000 sec
Aperture: 13.0
Focal Length: 150mm

I think the first one is a good example of when to break a rule. Usually, you leave room ahead of where the subject will be going next. However, this really shows the struggle of fighting against the current. In my opinion it really works. I like that shot the best. If you were to photoshop it, I think I would add a splash near the paddle, as the darker area almost looks like a blur. I don't think it is but it did catch my eye.

I like the second one as well. I would love to see his expression, although I know that's not in your control. The third one, I can't get past the big banana in the water. The shot is good though. Good job freezing the water - you can almost "hear" it!
I think the first one is a good example of when to break a rule. Usually, you leave room ahead of where the subject will be going next. However, this really shows the struggle of fighting against the current. In my opinion it really works. I like that shot the best. If you were to photoshop it, I think I would add a splash near the paddle, as the darker area almost looks like a blur. I don't think it is but it did catch my eye.

I like the second one as well. I would love to see his expression, although I know that's not in your control. The third one, I can't get past the big banana in the water. The shot is good though. Good job freezing the water - you can almost "hear" it!

Thank you for your insight 45mphK9. I might have to play in CS3 to get that splash your talking about. I don't like the way Google Picasa handles pictures. On my monitor, the picture looks a TON better. I like the comment about the Banana. I never looked at it that way.:lmao:
The key to compelling action images is faces and expressions captured during the action.

These have no faces, so no expressions.

The composition is fairly good in all three.

I'd try and zoom in more to add more personality to the images and not worry to much about geting the whole boat in the shot. All the splashing water and the paddles in thier hands will convey 'kayaking'.

The first two look underexposed.

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