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Lost photo's


TPF Noob!
May 24, 2006
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Has anyone come across losing your work on your memory card??

I recently shot a wedding for a friend and now the card with the ceremony and 1/2 the formals won't read....in either the camera or the computer.

Does anyone know what causes this?? I have never had this happen before in 4 years of shooting weddings.

If you have had this happen, what do you tell your clients??
Google Memory Card Recovery Programs.

It happened to me at the one wedding I shot, one of the memory cards was corrupt and I didn't catch it until I had shot about 50 pictures. I was able to recover them using a recovery program, no problem.
Has anyone come across losing your work on your memory card??

I recently shot a wedding for a friend and now the card with the ceremony and 1/2 the formals won't read....in either the camera or the computer.

Does anyone know what causes this?? I have never had this happen before in 4 years of shooting weddings.

If you have had this happen, what do you tell your clients??

I used card rescue which got about 90% of the files back. Some files were partials, but still better than losing everything.
I have tried numerous recovery programs and still no luck. They all ( as well as my computer ) don't even recognize that there is a card.

I even took it to a computer place and they couldn't get the software to recognize the card either.
What brand of card is it? Any physical damage to it? heat or humidity?
Contact Flashback Data in Austin TX. They can recover photos from flash memory.
What camera and what brand of card?

If it's Lexar, check with them. They have an image rescue program. A few years ago, I think they also had a mail-in service. I don't know if they still offer it.

I always format every card in the body I'll use it in before the wedding. I have no idea if this is effective at preventing corrupt files. I have only lost one file back in 2005 (Lexar card, D2X body) over 400+ weddings, so it either helps or I've been fortunate. I know one photographer who doesn't format, and she's lost a couple card's worth of files (non-weddings, fortunately).
I've also had that happen with one of my Sandisk CF cards, I used EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard Professional to recover the images, I believe it was able to recover about 95% of the images. It was able to recognize the card when the software that came with the card wouldn't. I have also used it to recover files from a corrupted hard drive.
I always format every card in the body I'll use it in before the wedding. I have no idea if this is effective at preventing corrupt files.
It is the most effective thing you can do to prevent corrupt image files, and always store cards in their plastic case when they are not in the camera or card reader.

The second most effective thing is to always use a quality card reader and not upload directly from the camera.

You didn't say if your problem was with a SD card, or a CF card and how many images you have lost. Hopefully, you subscribe to the - many smaller capacity cards (fewer images per card) and change them often school of thought, and not the - one huge card that has the entire day on it method.

As far as clients, you refer them to that part of your contract that covers the eventuality of equipment failure and that while horribly unfortunate, what is done, is done. You have indemnity insurance, don't you? ;)
Has anyone come across losing your work on your memory card??

I recently shot a wedding for a friend and now the card with the ceremony and 1/2 the formals won't read....in either the camera or the computer.

Does anyone know what causes this?? ....
A couple of things can cause it:
  • Formatting the memory card using the computer. It is best to format the card in the camera it will be used in. Why? Because the camera isd the device that will be writing the image files and the camera will configure the FAT (File Allocation Table) table just right.
  • The card controller has an intermittant error. As they say '**** Happens'.
  • Erasing image files fro the card while it is in the camera. Image file size varies by the content of the image. Erasing files flags those memory location addresses as again being available, however the next image the controller attempts to write in that range of memory addresses may not fit resulting in a corrupt image data file.

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