Love this lens

Ron Evers

Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jun 28, 2008
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In the country 60km north of Toronto, Canada
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Helios 44-2, a 58/2.

I was early for my appointment & was sitting waiting in the car across the street from the health centre when I took this shot of the building. Shot @ f4.


Crop of area above the door.

Thats some nice sharpness.
Some quality glass!
I still have yet to get a helios. Think if I get any money, I'll head over to KeH and see what I can find. Thanks for the example shots of this awesome lens. May I ask which mount this lens uses?
I still have yet to get a helios. Think if I get any money, I'll head over to KeH and see what I can find. Thanks for the example shots of this awesome lens. May I ask which mount this lens uses?

M42. Cheap. Effective. ;)
Sounds good. I have the adapter. The only thing is one of the M42 mount lenses I have has a really stiff focus ring and so I have to hold it in place while I focus so it doesn't unscrew. Other than that, I like it.
Sounds good. I have the adapter. The only thing is one of the M42 mount lenses I have has a really stiff focus ring and so I have to hold it in place while I focus so it doesn't unscrew. Other than that, I like it.

My Industar-61 LD (55/2.8) is like that, so I screw it on good & tight. Here is a shot with it:

I would screw it on tighter, but its a fotodiox (which I exclusively purchase) and they are not known to be threaded very well...I can make it last if I'm super gentle with it. So far, so what (had to reference megadeth). Its only the one lens that does it and it happens to be one of the nicest lenses I have (Sekor/Mamiya 135mm f/2.8?)...


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