Low lighting - couple picture

I woudl use a higher shutter speed and a bit smaller aperture to get the second person in focus the light seems fine though

I agree with what you say but I don't think it's possible with this person's current equipment.

Yeah, unfortunately I guess I just don't have the perfect equipment for this yet. Maybe with the turn of the year I will get something extra.

I guess my best shot at that picture would have been with either an external flash or a tripod, so I could drop the aperture a bit increasing the shutter speed, so my depth of field wouldn't be so narrow as to get just 1 face in focus. Is that thinking right?

But what if I put them both in the same distance from the camera, like side-by-side. In this picture I guess mother's face is out of focus because she is a step behind my father, and because of the small depth of field, as I focused on father's face. If I had put them side by side I would probably have got better focus on her face, right? hmm
I agree with alot that was said here.... I too cannot afford some equipment and am slowly builing up what I have. so I try to figure things out and play with things till I can get a flash and lighting equipment or faster, better lenses.
Besides what was already said you could try a tripod and use a remote... a remote doesn't cost much at all. In fact I have 2 because you can find them on ebay real cheap. this would eliminate the camera shake and help with the blur. Also you could shoot in raw and slightly underexpose the photo and brighten it up some when you process it. I do this alot because I have a slow lens with out stabilization and this helps with blur. a tripod and remote would be your best bet and probably manual focus, because sometimes in low light situations it can be hard for a camera to focus in auto. also I do what they call tone mapping - using a couple exposures (using raw again, & making one shot into multiple shots with different exposures) kinda like an HDR photo. and using layers "paint" your exposure darker or lighter where its needed. but I really have no idea if this is a common thing, just something that I do. I guess I'm weird but I do what works for me. A flash would be the best route to take and you could use your on camera flash (diffused) but a flash would be best.
I really like the concept and the feel of the photo, I think its a great Idea. I'd like to see this once you get the shot nailed ;)

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