macro attempts, day 2.



Alright, my 100mm macro came in the mail yesterday, so I won't claim to have mastered macro, but here are my attempts for the day. I took these all with my T1i

1. 1/5, f/8, ISO 1600

2. 1/5, f/8, ISO 1600

3. 1/8, f/6, ISO1600

4. 1/160, f/5.6, ISO 1600

How/what can I improve?
You must be so happy!!
I'm a little jealous. I got a macro lens in the middle of winter so I have no cool flowers or even bugs to shoot!
I know exactly what you mean, Megan... I literally went outside and cut twigs and dead flowers and brought them in to shoot. I CAN'T WAIT FOR SUMMER!
Congrats!!!!. I love my macro. It opened up a new world to me.
Getting my new camera and macro tubes in just a few days!!!! And I'm in Florida so bug shootin all year 'round!
Getting my new camera and macro tubes in just a few days!!!! And I'm in Florida so bug shootin all year 'round!
Lucky!!!! I am in the middle of winter here. Hate the winter!!!
Getting my new camera and macro tubes in just a few days!!!! And I'm in Florida so bug shootin all year 'round!
Lucky!!!! I am in the middle of winter here. Hate the winter!!!

We had barely any winter here it was really odd! Winter for us (South FLorida) is usually 40s and 50s at night. We are in our normally coldest month (January) and it's been in the upper 80s the whole time. It's been a particularly warm winter, even by Florida standards.
Unfortunately, in much of florida I'm sure you're doing a lot of bug feeding, too. LOL I'll find out soon as it's on my travel agenda (for diving, not photos).
Unfortunately, in much of florida I'm sure you're doing a lot of bug feeding, too. LOL I'll find out soon as it's on my travel agenda (for diving, not photos).
What part of Florida are visiting?
blackrose89 said:
We had barely any winter here it was really odd! Winter for us (South FLorida) is usually 40s and 50s at night. We are in our normally coldest month (January) and it's been in the upper 80s the whole time. It's been a particularly warm winter, even by Florida standards.

We've actually had a mild winter. We are having a "storm" right now though. Only suppose to get maybe 5" of snow but then it's gonna start raining and sleeting. They are predicting a bunch of ice - fun!

Last year in October we got a snowstorm over a weekend and it dropped around 20-30" of snow. We had snowstorms continuously throughout the winter and this year we haven't had snow that stayed more than a week or 2.

Pretty soon Florida will be covered in snow and Vermont will be nice and sunny all thanks to global warming! ;)
Lol! I think it was 2009-2010 I experienced the closest thing to a winter season. I've been to cold areas but I mean living it. It was in the 30s a lot of nights which is very cold for us and it stayed consistently cold for a few months and even snowed in some parts. We had This for a few years. This warm winter was a shock! Although it has been really nice and not "hot".Just a lot warmer then expected.
Y'all northeasterners are nuts!!! I did some training in south jersey (near trenton) one winter. We had an entire week with high temperatures of single digits. Insane!!! I'm from phoenix and live in So Cal so yeah....I thought I was going to die!

@ Angel: No part picked out yet. Obviously the keys would be ideal since it would be for scuba diving mostly. Probably near the end of the year since Honduras is first on the list.
No one's telling me what's wrong with my images. I finally post for a C&C and the lady bug gets all the attention. :|

Any helpful critiques?

P.S. Winter is garbage... it just is... whether you're a northerner or a southerner. :'(

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