Macro Mania


TPF Noob!
Mar 15, 2008
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Sun Valley, CA
Can others edit my Photos
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I absolutely love the macro world that exists around us. When I was little I would always jump to the back of the magazines and play the guessing games. You know the ones that had a macro image and you had to figure out what the object was. It was so much fun, the world looked so different in that view. Recently I started a blog showcasing my collection of macro shots from over the years. Stuff like these..


I have made all of these images available to all the of creative world. I wanted to share something different with people and maybe open people's eyes to the small details in life that may be taken for granted. The blog is here at MacTex.:)

Feel free to leave comments.

I would love to see any other macro photography from people here too.
welcome to the forum!
Go to the Photo Themes and look for themes (in the index) like "Macro Guessing Game" and whatever else the titles are. Even though Photo Theme threads never "die", several posters may well have taken their submissions out of their photo server's sites ... but there still should be a good many there for viewing.

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