Making Sirui Lenses


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Oct 21, 2016
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I previously posted a topic called "Making Sigma Lenses" and I was hoping to add this post to that topic, but I could not find a way to change the name of the topic to cover both brands. If a moderator can do it, I think it would be better to rename the old topic to "Making Lenses" and moving this post to that topic. If not, then I can live with the extra topic. . . .

Anyway, this topic links a YouTube video by CineD which includes a tour of Sirui's lens factory and a short interview with its CEO. Like the Sigma factory tour, I am surprised to see how much manual work goes into the production. It looks very similar to the Sigma production method.

"SIRUI Factory Tour - See How Your Sniper and Saturn Lenses Are Being Made",
posted by "CineD", May 3, 2024, [length 17:53]
Why I buy Fujinon lenses, sorry...

Why I buy Fujinon lenses, sorry...

It's a good link. In retrospect, I think it would have been better to have put them all in a single topic called "Making Camera Lenses", but I had no idea whether I'd see these videos. Views have not been huge numbers, but some of us find it interesting.

Here's a link to the original "Making Sigma Lenses" post:

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