Mamiya Rz67 Pro II.. What's it need?


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Jul 10, 2013
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I'm trying to digitize my Mamiya in the coming weeks. Now I know I need a V mount from Phase One. I know I also need an adapter, already have that actually. However, I don't know what else there is really. Information on this online is extremely limited, and what I did find isn't really solid information. So is that all I need really? The adapter and the back and I'm good to go?

Sorry to have to ask here cause I know this is a very specific question, don't really have anywhere else to turn to find out more on it though
This is what I found on the PhaseOne site

Mamiya RZ 67 PRO II:

-Hasselblad V fitting-

  • P/P+ series with Hasselblad V fitting can be used on the Mamiya RZ PRO II by use of the RZ adapter from Phase One (Item number 70964).
  • There are 2 cables on the adapter, where the fixed cable is mounted on the Mamiya body and the removeable cable is mounted to the lens
  • This removeable cable (part no. 50300077) can be exchanged if necessary.

    Mamiya RZ 67 PRO II w/Hasslelblad V Adaptor


    -Mamiya fitting-
  • P/P+ series Mamiya fitting can also be used with the the Mamiya adapter (Item number 70994). Note:
  • The Mamiya RZ PRO II needs to be modifyed in a local Mamiya center. The image below show 2 small notches that have to be made. If these notches are not made - the adapter can be mounted however the camera cannot trigger at all.

  • Once this modification has been done - the camerabody cannot be used with a film cassette.

  • This modification requires the back to be in 2-shot mode. However, for optimal use, workflow and functionality is is suggested that you use the latest RZ PRO II D body where full functionality, metadata and 1 shot mode is supported.


    General about the RZ PRO II:
    On the side of the body - the adjustment tab needs to be set to "M" for multi. This used to be for film use - for multiple exposures. The "R" position is for Rotate - for turning the adapter 90 degrees. The middle position is for normal use with film only.

    On the exposure button there are 3 settings (see article 2237 for more information)
  • Red: This turns off the camerabody
  • Orange: "Mechanical mode" for film only and max. 1/400 sec exposure speed.
  • White: Recommended setting for use with motordrive and a cameraback.
This is what I found on the PhaseOne site

Mamiya RZ 67 PRO II:

-Hasselblad V fitting-

  • P/P+ series with Hasselblad V fitting can be used on the Mamiya RZ PRO II by use of the RZ adapter from Phase One (Item number 70964).
  • There are 2 cables on the adapter, where the fixed cable is mounted on the Mamiya body and the removeable cable is mounted to the lens
  • This removeable cable (part no. 50300077) can be exchanged if necessary.

    Mamiya RZ 67 PRO II w/Hasslelblad V Adaptor


    -Mamiya fitting-
  • P/P+ series Mamiya fitting can also be used with the the Mamiya adapter (Item number 70994). Note:
  • The Mamiya RZ PRO II needs to be modifyed in a local Mamiya center. The image below show 2 small notches that have to be made. If these notches are not made - the adapter can be mounted however the camera cannot trigger at all.

  • Once this modification has been done - the camerabody cannot be used with a film cassette.

  • This modification requires the back to be in 2-shot mode. However, for optimal use, workflow and functionality is is suggested that you use the latest RZ PRO II D body where full functionality, metadata and 1 shot mode is supported.


    General about the RZ PRO II:
    On the side of the body - the adjustment tab needs to be set to "M" for multi. This used to be for film use - for multiple exposures. The "R" position is for Rotate - for turning the adapter 90 degrees. The middle position is for normal use with film only.

    On the exposure button there are 3 settings (see article 2237 for more information)
  • Red: This turns off the camerabody
  • Orange: "Mechanical mode" for film only and max. 1/400 sec exposure speed.
  • White: Recommended setting for use with motordrive and a cameraback.

Thank you, I came across that awhile ago and couldn't fit when looking again recently. I am missing that lens wire though, should be easy to find. Thanks again

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