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TPF Noob!
Aug 17, 2015
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So, what do you get when you cross an electrician for a husband and a wife who's a photographer?



What do you all think?
[emoji7] [emoji7]

Sent from my LG-E980 using Tapatalk
Finally, a good use for old Polaroid Colorpack cameras! I've seen this camera-into-desk-lamp DIY thing a few times....it really is a nifty idea! Cool beans!
Finally, a good use for old Polaroid Colorpack cameras! I've seen this camera-into-desk-lamp DIY thing a few times....it really is a nifty idea! Cool beans!
Thanks! I have two Colorpacks, one of which I use frequently, but this one the shutter button jammed so I'm so glad we were able to do something with it! Glad you like it :)

Sent from my LG-E980 using Tapatalk
Cool - I don't suppose there's a step-by-step 'How to' you could post?
We didn't really follow a how to, according to my husband the electrician, he simply got a low watt lamp socket kit (the socket with the chord and switch), cleaned out the camera innards (which is why we choose my broken ColorPack, since they are fairly hollow to begin with), took off the front panel of the camera, removed the little circuit board that controls the shutter/aperture etc, removed the lens elements, drilled a hole through the back and then fed the socket through the camera through the front. We used low watt/low heat bulbs. Sorry that's a bit messy and not an organized walk through. This was our first go at it :)

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