Manfrotto 679B question


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Sep 11, 2010
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Western New York
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Alright guys, just got mine in the mail. Now how the eff do I get the 3/8 inch adapter off of it so I can put my camera on? I can't figure this out for the life of me, although I'm sure as soon as you tell me I'm going to feel like even more of an idiot than I do now.
Is this on the 'pod itself or one the head? It should just be a matter of "unscrewing" the 3/8" adaptor and finding the 1/4" screw underneath.
I figured it out. It's actually spring loaded. It's just a 3/8 thread that pops up around he 1/4-20. To put a camera on it you just screw it on, and as you screw it on it pushes the 3/8 inch thread down into the head. Pretty nifty.
I figured it out. It's actually spring loaded. It's just a 3/8 thread that pops up around he 1/4-20. To put a camera on it you just screw it on, and as you screw it on it pushes the 3/8 inch thread down into the head. Pretty nifty.

Huh... sounds like a neat new trick. I've not looked at monopods in a while, I'll have to check that out.
yeah it's definitely clever. And I can tell you already that I highly reccomend this monopod. It's only $40ish most places, and it is built like a tank. It can hold up to 22 pounds.
Hah.. i was going to tell you its spring loaded. Glad you figured it out.
Destin, buy several cheap quick relase from Put one on your 70-200, one on the camera, one on other body (if you have one).
Destin, buy several cheap quick relase from Put one on your 70-200, one on the camera, one on other body (if you have one).

I plan on it. I've already got the manfrotto head on my tripod, and 3 plates- one on my D80, and one to put on my N80 (when it arrives, just ordered it to do some film stuff to change pace a little).

I just gotta buy a head/QR receiver for the monopod.

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