Michael Phelps is going to race a shark. Seriously.

If you don't feed the shark for a spell ... then smear seal/sea lion guts over Phelps ... it would be interesting to see if the shark stays in its own lane.
This is ridiculous.

Also, the picture is of a nurse shark--a shark that I'm guessing you'd probably win against since they're slow and sluggish. Try a mako instead?

I hate how Discovery Channel pimps out Shark Week, yet fails to actually present decent, informative shows about sharks. For example, they says Phelps is going to race against "one of the fastest and most efficient predators on the planet: sharks". Yet, there are hundreds of different species of sharks, and the largest shark is a filter-feeder.

By the way, I remember when Shark Week was actually good--where they showed interesting shows with actual science. Now, it's filled with crap, mostly shows where sharks attacked humans, or where they show mockumentaries. It's rubbish.

How about a show that gets into the details about declining shark populations? Or, what about how sharks are taken from the water, finned, and the body returned to the ocean?

No? That doesn't get you ratings? Shame on you, Discovery Channel.

What's the shark get if it wins? lol
I think Michael was smoking to much wacky weed when he came up with this stunt. I vote for no lanes, a great white and fresh blood smeared on Michael.
If there were no lanes, there would be no need to smear blood on Phelps, that would occur early in the race.
Smoking more like crack. I'm cheering on the shark,I hope it wins by a limb or two. :icon_cheers:

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