Midnight snapshot.


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Oct 26, 2003
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Brisbane, Australia
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Ok so it's not very often i take a photo just after midnight. It's even less often that when i do i have about 30 seconds to compose the shot.

We were entertaining some guests on the balcony and i saw this one land on the power line (no one else did though). So while my sister shone the torch on him i setup the camer in a massive rush.

He was too far away to properly light up with the flash so the quality is pretty crap, on top of that he was sitting on the power line and the optus line was blocking the shot. But all in all i'm pretty happy at my 20 second effort.

Also auto focus didn't work and the image didn't metre properly so i manually shot at ISO400 f3.5 1/100 and a flash. It's been photoshoped since it was too dark.


and this is just plain scary.
Super shots, especially considering the conditions. Not too many people could have gotten these shots.
I was reading your text first, wondering who "he" might be - and only then did I scroll on to the photos (you see, I look at some photo with a moment of suspense ;)), and then I saw "him".
WOW again!
You did great in getting everything done so fast. "He" was much worth the (considerably short) while :).
It could have been a she. I didn't have time to check and even if i would have i respect it's privacy :wink:

It's only a pity i didn't a) have more time b) flash it properly with a 1/30 shutterspeed. All in all the picture was so dull and dark i probably lost about half of the brightness range as a result of photoshoping it.

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