Miss Lucy what you think???


TPF Noob!
Aug 2, 2010
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Can others edit my Photos
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these are some of my recent pics...give me your opinion...
P.S. she is not posed in any of these and they havent had much editing just adjusting the colors in the b&w




My opinion? That is one sad and depressed dog!

Some basics are missed: Soft focus on the eyes in #'s 1&2, center composition in #3 doesn't really do much to the image for me, #4 is cute for you but I don't think the sepia tone really adds. I don't know but I think the B&W may look better, but just needs a tiny adjustment to the highlights (bringing them down) to make sure the image isn't overpowering.

#3 is my favorite just because she looks so silly with her tongue like that, as well as the droopy face combined. It just screams "I'm sad, but oh so funny."
lol...she isn't sad- in fact she is a little diva but bulldogs just look this way. I know they need work but i'm just starting- thanks for the advice.
I actually have a lot of problems with her pictures because she is soo white, i try different WB and settings of exposure and angles but it either looks super bright or really dull and muddy... any ideas other than fixing it afterwards or rolling the dog in the mud??? lol
lol...she doesnt eat dogfood...she has her meals made everyday with fresh lamb and vegetables, she is a very spoiled pooch:p
what a cute bulldog looks like shes being like fine if you take my picture I'll stick my tounge out at u...rofl
Those shots are damn good. The dog? Eh! I'm a German Shepherd fan myself.:D
:greenpbl:lol...she is goregous, and for some reason she sticks her tongue out all the time, she even sleeps with it out
lol..i have a german too!!! she is a beauty but doesn't slow down much for pictures



please dont over analize these...they have no edits not even cropped :er:
Hi, I just did a quick edit. The man in the pictures, his leg bugged me. So I took it out. :) I left the color the same. Its a very cute picture. And just keep in mind it was a quick edit, so it's not very good. Plus I'm on a laptop with out a mouse....great work!!!

lol...she isn't sad- in fact she is a little diva but bulldogs just look this way. I know they need work but i'm just starting- thanks for the advice.
I actually have a lot of problems with her pictures because she is soo white, i try different WB and settings of exposure and angles but it either looks super bright or really dull and muddy... any ideas other than fixing it afterwards or rolling the dog in the mud??? lol

use exposure compensation, white filling the frame puts the camera meter off, experiment with it till the out of camera shots are right (white is white), I'd also select a focus point rather than letting the camera have its way, your curtains look sharp, the dog isn't, stop down the aperture or if wide open select focus on the mut. H

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