Monopod vs Tripod, what do you like?


TPF Noob!
Mar 31, 2009
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I've used a tripod and it's okay. But when I learned about monopods I immediately fell in love with the idea. I don't have steady hands, and it seems easy to use and move around, less bulky. I have it on my private wish list on amazon which is the canon monopod.

So which do you prefer, a tripod or a monopod, or both?
Depends on what I am doing...tripods for all portraits and stills, landscapes etc. Monopod if I'm active like at the races or motocross, or nature hikes. Monopods are not that steady, it takes some getting used to especially with larger lenses.
Depends on what I am doing...tripods for all portraits and stills, landscapes etc. Monopod if I'm active like at the races or motocross, or nature hikes. Monopods are not that steady, it takes some getting used to especially with larger lenses.

I guess my thinking is if I am out of doors and moving around a lot, it would be much easier to "maneuver" a monopod than a tripod. But I haven't tried a monopod myself yet, I am just imagining using one. What a concept. :)
if you have a decent tripod you can usually turn it into a monopod in seconds.....

they have different uses thats for sure. my hands shake so i find both are useful for shooting but it all depends on the application
Depends on what I am doing...tripods for all portraits and stills, landscapes etc. Monopod if I'm active like at the races or motocross, or nature hikes. Monopods are not that steady, it takes some getting used to especially with larger lenses.


I've actually yet to use my monopod. :) The thing, though, is that you can get a decent monopod for cheap cheap cheap. Heck... stick a screw on top of a broomstick. (yes, I'm kidding, but it is basically a stick with a screw on it)
Monopod lol, seems like a waste to me.
Monopod lol, seems like a waste to me.

What would you rather carry around (in addition to a super-telephoto lens and bulky camera): a bulky tripod, or a monopod that you can EFFORTLESSLY handhold/carry. A monopod is not a replacement for a tripod is not a replacement for a monopod.
Yes, it totally depends on the situation. Monopods are very handy in a lot of cases and keep things pretty steady, especially for action stuff. However, when you need a several minute exposure for something like lightning or fireworks, a monopod is completely useless.
Tripods and monopods are two different beasts with different applications. I use tripods for about 75% of my everyday shooting (except for weddings). I use monopods with long glass, especially for sports/action shooting.
Well a tripod and a monopod have different functions. For long shutter speeds I still like to use a tripod but when space is tight or when you just need a few extra stops because of low lighting a monopod is a nice tool.
Monopod makes a much better weapon in hand to hand combat. :)

Well, unless yer Jackie Chan. Anyone who can use an extension ladder as a weapon can be lethal with pretty much anything. :lol:

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